
Sparx is an exclusive data preprocessing library which involves in transforming raw data into an machine understandable format. We at CleverInsight Lab took the initiative to build a better automated data preprocessing library and here it is.

Simple Usage

>>> from sparx.preprocess import *


Check if the given pandas series is an categorical variable `True`

>>> is_categorical(data[col])
>>> True


Return `True` if the given pandas series is an date type

>>> is_date(data[col])
>>> True


Return the count of missing values in the given pandas.core.series

>>> count_missing(df['col_name'])
>>> 0


Returns the percentage of missing values in the column

>>> missing_percent(df['col_name'])
>>> 0


Returns the column names in groups for the given DataFrame

>>> types(df)
>>> {'dates': ['D'],
...  'groups': ['C', 'D'],
...  'keywords': ['C'],
...  'numbers': ['A', 'B']}


Returns True if any of the first 1000 non-null values in a string``series`` are strings that have more than thresh =2 separators (space, by default) in them

>>> has_keywords(series)
>>> False
>>> has_keywords(series, thresh=1)
>>> True


Yields the significant differences in average between every pair of groups and numbers.

>>> has_keywords(series)
>>> False
>>> has_keywords(series, thresh=1)
>>> True


Return the basic description of an column in a pandas dataframe check if the column is an interger or float type

>>> describe(dataframe, 'Amount')
>>> {'min': 0, 'max': 100, 'mean': 50, 'median': 49 }


Returns `Dict` which consist of address, latitude, longitude of the given address

>>> geocode("172, 5th Avenue, Flatiron, Manhattan")
>>> {'latitude': 40.74111015,
...  'adress': u'172, 5th Avenue, Flatiron,
...  Manhattan, Manhattan Community Board 5, New York County, NYC,
...  New York, 10010, United States of America',
...  'longitude': -73.9903105}


Returns the count of `unique value` fromm each column

>>> unique_value_count(data['name'])
>>> {'gender': {'Male': 2, 'Female': 6},
... 'age': {32: 2, 34: 2, 35: 1, 37: 1, 21: 1, 28: 1},
... 'name': {'Neeta': 1, 'vandana': 2, 'Amruta': 1, 'Vikrant': 2,
... 'vanana': 1, 'Pallavi': 1}}


Returns a list of columns from the dataframe which consist of unique identifiers

>>> unique_identifier(pd.Dataframe)
>>> ['age', 'id']


Returns a `dictionary` of year, month, day, hour, minute and seconds

>>> date_split("march/1/1980")
>>> {'second': '00', 'hour': '00', 'year': '1980', 'day': '01',
... 'minute': '00', 'month': '03'}


Returns a string which is the query formed using the given dictionary as a parameter

>>> query = {'name': 'Sam', 'age': 20 }

>>> dict_query_string(query)
>>> name=Same&age=20


Returns a clean dataframe which is initially converted into utf8 format and all categorical variables are converted into numeric labels also each label encoding classes are saved into a dictionary, now a tuple of first element is dataframe and second is the hash_map

>>> encode(pd.DataFrame())
>>> [150 rows x 6 columns], {'Species': {0: 'setosa', 1: 'versicolor', 2: 'virginica'}})


Returns `List` of alphanumeric string by stripping the non alpha numeric characters

>>> strip_non_alphanum('epqenw49021[4;;ds..,.,uo]mfLCP'X')
>>> ['epqenw49021', '4', 'ds', 'uo', 'mfLCP', 'X']


Returns ` dict` which consist of each words as key and its frequency count as value

>>> word_freq_count("hello how are you")
>>> {'a': 1, ' ': 3, 'e': 2, 'h': 2, 'l': 2, 'o': 3, 'r': 1,
... 'u': 1, 'w': 1, 'y': 1}


Returns the list of words ignoring stopwords in the given list of words

>>> ignore_stopwords("I am basically a lazy person and i hate computers")
>>> ['I', 'basically', 'lazy', 'person', 'hate', 'computers']